
About Jarak

Hello Neighbors! Here is a glimpse about us.

Jarak started back in 2018. Our aim was, and still is, to connect people together.  Who knows, maybe your new best friend is your neighbor, living right next to your doorstep!

Here at Jarak, we provide a safe platform, online and offline, where people connect, share experiences, exchange knowledge, and collaborate together.

We have collaborated with talented creatives from our community on several eco-friendly products, all locally made. Additionally, we have organized numerous workshops and events to learn from and share special moments together.

So far, we’ve listened to more than 600 people, who we now call ‘Neighbors’,  share their stories with us on our social media platform  @jarakonline. They shared about their life, work, cooking, dancing, drawing, plants, education, and much much more beneficial subjects.

Let’s bring back the sense of community to our neighborhood, one collaboration at a time!

General questions

For more information about our products and services. Please feel free to drop us an Email to [email protected] . We will reply to you within a couple of days.
Do not hesitate neighbor!

We as a community, focus on collaborations to empower and push each other forward. There are many ways to collaborate with us, either on creating new products, or hosting events and workshops or even do a takeover on our Instagram stories and share your day with us to inspire and help the community.

Our collaborations are beneficial on many aspects:
– Networking
– Creative experience
– Helpful to the community
– Fun way to interact with fellow creatives 
– Advertisement
– Financial

Any kind of support can help us move forward! Tell your friends and loved ones about us, they can join our community and maybe have some great ideas!

Also, we are constantly on the lookout of potential collaborations and interesting projects and venues to be part of. So  if you know some let us know!

For donations and financial contributions any amount is welcomed and would be very helpful to help boost our projects and accelarate the results.  

Send us an email to  [email protected]  and let us know what’s on your mind!

Yes! We do the best we can to ensure that our products are environmentally conscious as well as sustainable all while supporting local talents and production. Our prices might be higher than other products in the market, but that is for a reason. Local production, ecofriendly and sustainable comes with a cost and we understand the risks but we won’t compromise neither on the quality nor on the story behind the product. And it’s thanks to your support that we stay motivated to create more. 
